Monday, May 04, 2009

News May 2009

The Periodical/Reserves Counter Will No Longer Be Staffed

Beginning May 9th the services offered at the Periodical/Reserves desk will be offered at the Main Circulation desk on the east side of the lobby of Bracken Library. The Main Circulation desk will become the service desk for checking out books, checking out reserve items, placing items on reserves, and picking up interlibrary loan items. Assistance with printer 6, the color printer, and microfilm machines may be obtained in room BL111 which is across from Printer 6.

May 2009 Tip of the Month

Use our wireless network to make your research even more comfortable. Bring your wireless laptop to the library and access the internet while you do your research in one of our comfortable chairs or in a quiet corner. You can write a paper, use our electronic databases, and have convenient access to our print resources. For more information about using the wireless network, see question Do the Libraries have wireless internet? on the "Computing" tab of our FAQ.

Events May 2009

Through June 15, 2009

Archetype: Future Designers Inspired by the Past will be on display outside Archives and Special Collections on the second floor and on the east side of the first floor of Bracken Library through June 15th. The exhibit that showcases student artwork inspired by pop culture and the expressive graphic style of the '60s.

This exhibit is in collaboration with Associate Professors Christine Satory and Sam Minor from the Department of Art, and junior visual communication majors. The exhibition is meant to allow students to display their artwork to inform and educate. Items to be featured from the Archives and Special Collections will be student publications; poetry; highlights from Robert Kennedy's Muncie visit; and graphic design from the 1960's.

For more information, please contact Lajmar Anderson at