Wednesday, August 01, 2007

August 2007 News

Westlaw Campus Research Has Been Added to the Databases Page

Westlaw Campus Research is an online database that provides a comprehensive collection of news, business, and law information for students. In addition to over 700 law journals, Westlaw also includes; articles from newspapers, magazines, trade journals, company info, broadcast transcripts, and international publications.

Lexis-Nexis Academic Databases Have a New Look
Lexis-Nexis Academic databases have a new search interface which adds additional functionality and simplifies use. It is now easier to limit your search to subsets of sources. For example, you can search Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois newspapers in one search. Similarly, in Lexis-Nexis Academic Legal Research you can search the full text of court cases in all states, multiple states, or individual states. This was not possible with the previous search interface. New content has been added as well. Lexis-Nexis Academic Business now includes Company Dossier, which gives a snapshot of the company, corporate hierarchy, news stories, legal information, and financials.

August 2007 Tip of the Month

In order for your students to do their best work it is important for them to be familiar with, and know how to use, the resources available to them. Instructional Services offers library instruction sessions designed around your students' class assignments. Subject-specific sessions are designed to help them locate and evaluate relevant resources. Librarians will help your students develop the information-seeking skills necessary for their academic success. You may sign up for a session in person, by telephone at 765-285-8017, or by e-mail at Information Services is located in BL 101 on First Floor West. Please schedule your class at least two weeks in advance.

August 2007 Events

Through September 30th

Bernarr Macfadden and the Physical Culture Magazine will be on display on the 2nd floor of Bracken Library through September 30, 2007. This Archives and Special Collections exhibit will include articles, advertisements, and magazines from the Physical Culture Magazine Collection. For more information, contact Hannah Cox, Archives and Special Collections Supervisor, at 765-285-5078 or