Monday, December 03, 2007

News December 2007

Dual Screen Monitors Added to 40 Public Computers

Forty Bracken 1-East Public PC stations have been enhanced by the addition of dual monitors. The additional monitor doubles the amount of desktop allowing the user to open multiple windows simultaneously. For example, a student may have a journal article open on one monitor and Word 2007 on the other. At present dual monitor stations are also available in the Science-Health Science Library. The Geospatial Resources and Map Collection has had dual monitors for 4 years. Recently dual monitors have been added to many offices in the library, increasing employee productivity.

Tip of the Month December 2007

Bracken Library will be open longer hours during Finals week. Take advantage of the longer hours to study for exams or finish your projects. The library will be open

  • Friday, November 30, and Friday December 7, 7:00 a.m. – Midnight
  • Saturday, December 1, and Saturday, December 8, 9:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
  • Sunday, December 2, and Saturday, December 9, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 a.m.

Both the Geospatial Resource and Map Collections and the Archives and Special Collections will be open during their regular hours.

Events December 2007

Through January 04, 2008

Shared Sacrifice: Scholars, Soldiers, and World War II, is on display through January 04, 2008 outside the Archives and Special Collections, and Geospatial Resources and Map Collection on the second floor of Bracken Library. This exhibit features photographs, printed materials, letters, and wartime maps from Ball State University, soldiers from Muncie, life on the home front, and additional resources found in the Archives and the Geospatial Resources and Map Collection. For more information, contact Hannah Cox, Archives and Special Collections
Supervisor, at 765-285-5078 or